
- #综合
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    If you want to keep in good health, don’t worry, ask me. I will give you some advice.
    Early to bed, early to rise, makes a men healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. Yeah, we should get up early and go to bed early every day. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. You should sleep 9 hours every night.
    Then, eat more vegetables and fruits, less meat. Eating an apple a day keeps doctor away. Try to eat less junk food, or it will make you fatter and unhealthy. Oh, and you shouldn’t drink coffee. Maybe you can also drink some milk ,as you like, and it’s healthy.
    The body also needs exercise. What is exercise? Well, such as walking, running, jumping and playing sports. Doing more exercise can make you strong and athletic.
    Warn: Eating more staple food, less snack. Don’t be too tired. (It is important to eat a balanced diet.) And often have a good rest.
    Then, you can keep in good health. Good rest, good food and exercise help you study better and get good grades.
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